There are many different home remedies that are known to increase fertility. These are the ones that you should try out before you opt for the costly fertility treatments that are offered by fertility clinics. We can easily notice an increase in the number of people that try to locate such remedies and we will mention some of them. However, you should read till the end as there is one extra fact that you will have to remember.
We have known about this for year. It is something that works great, especially in men but women should also consider it because of the fact that it increases cervical mucus amount, which aids sperm to reach the region where it is necessary in an easier and faster way.
Evening Primrose Oil
This is also something that helps protect and increase cervical mucus. The herbal supplement is 100% natural and will increase fertility when used properly.
Cough Syrup
This may be weird but there are women that swear they ended up pregnant after taking cough syrup. The reason behind the claim is the common presence of Guaifenesen, which can boost fertility. However, not all syrups have this as an active ingredient so you cannot take the first one you find.
Folic Acid
Even with IVF, the initial steps will include the increase of folic acid intake. It is something that is important to maintain fertility due to the fact that it basically makes the ovulatory process work better. When you become pregnant, the acid will also help out a lot in maintaining the healthy pregnancy you surely desire.
Diet Modifications
If you increase the intake of vegetables and fruits, the diet is automatically improved and your fertility will also get a boost. Make sure that you eliminate trans fats, processed foods and caffeine. They will have the opposite effect. A lot of water also has to be consumed on a daily basis.
Cycle Charting
This is not actually a home remedy but it does help out a lot because of the fact that it drastically increases the possibility of getting pregnant naturally. You need to be aware of the time when you ovulate. Charting the cycles is done by taking basal body temperature on daily basis or by monitoring cervical mucus.
Sometimes You Need Help
The home remedies mentioned above have been proven to increase fertility but if you do not know why you cannot conceive, you have to seriously consider going to a fertility clinic. You can only fight the problem if you know what the problem is.
We have to acknowledge the fact that in some cases IVF fertilization is the only option that is available. This should not bother you. The success rates are really good as you can see when you click here. You just have to remain open to all the options that are currently available for you. The medical profession has gone a long way in the past few years and fertility clinics should not be disregarded since so many treatment options are offered.