Natural Allergy Remedies

Why would someone Choose Natural Allergy Remedies?

Many allergy sufferers do not like the physical side effects associated with the regular use of antihistamines and decongestants. These drugs tend to make the user feel sleepy and groggy. With this reduced alert state the individual’s ability to concentrate and to operate machinery is compromised. Both agents also tend to dry out the body and to cause dehydration. Natural remedies can often be as effective as prescriptions without the unwanted side effects these medications cause.

What are some of the Natural Remedies Available?

An herbal remedy for allergy is normally an agent that has the ability to relieve congestion and to loosen mucus. Many are also anti-inflammatory agents that sooth irritated mucus membranes. Many such remedies also seek to strengthen the immune system to make it more able to fend off irritation from outside elements.


As a natural allergy cure, eucalyptus effectively calms coughs and relieves nasal congestion and is often found in cough and cold remedies, chest rubs, and various oils and liniments to relieve pain. It is both an antiseptic and a stimulant with expectorant and antibiotic properties. The powerful vapor from eucalyptus clears congestion and loosens mucus. It is especially effective when used in conjunction with steam treatments. In lozenge form, eucalyptus increases the production of saliva to reduce the urge to cough. Given these properties, eucalyptus is considered to be one of the best natural allergy remedies.


Red Clover is a traditional remedy for asthma when taken in the form of a tea and as allergies and asthma may be associated, can be used as an allergy remedy. It has antispasmodic and expectorant qualities and dried has even been used in “anti-asthma” cigarettes. It is not uncommon today to find red clover wine which makes an excellent cough remedy.


Alfalfa is thought to improve the runny nose, sneezing and itching present in allergic rhinitis which is often called “hay fever.” Additionally, alfalfa is believed to nourish the nervous system and to calm the immune system thus allowing irritated mucus membranes to return to normal. (Some people have reported allergic reactions to alfalfa itself and the use of the herb should be discontinued if your symptoms seem to worsen.)


Apple cider vinegar contains many healing properties and is often used to ease the symptoms of sinus infection as well as to treat allergies developed from exposure to pets, foods, and various environmental agents. In addition to being rich in vitamins E, A, B1, B2 and B6, apple cider vinegar contains potassium, calcium, and magnesium. It reduces the amount of mucus in the sinus cavities, soothes sore throats, and will shorten the duration of colds when used with a chest compress.


Powdered licorice root has been used since ancient times as a cough remedy and is often present in modern cough syrups. Beyond its helpful qualities, licorice is sweet to the taste and thus more pleasant as a “medicine.” It should be used with caution by anyone prone to high blood pressure as excessive use of licorice will make hypertension worse.

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