Fungal infection can occur in different parts of our body. One of the common fungal infections is the toenail fungus or the nail fungus. Fungus that grows under your nails, be it in your fingers or toes, are called fingernail or toenail fungus infection. In general, it’s not a big of a deal. It’s not a deadly disease that can be compared to something like a myocardial infarction. However, it doesn’t mean that you will just sit there and forget that you have one in your nails.
If you leave nail fungus and don’t treat it for a long time, it can turn up to be a serious disease. It will eat up the keratin in your nails. Keratin is a substance that protects and coats your nails. This allows your nails added protection from varying factors. Nail fungus weakens your nails. Not only will it eat up the keratin but your nails as well. They will begin to roughen, darken, and will also turn brittle. At the same time, it’s going to smell really bad. So if I were you, don’t wait until the nail fungus gets worse. Start looking for ways to kill the live fungus under those nails.
Treatment through Acidophilus Beer Soak
There are various ways to treat nail fungus as per Many kinds of technology are popping here and there. And many types of treatments are being discovered. One of the methods being used to treat toenail fungus is through the acidophilus beer soak. In fact, they say that it is actually among the most effective methods of treating fungal infection under the nails. So if you’d like to learn more, let’s continue discussing this method.
The theory all started with the idea that beer can soften the nails. Since the infection in toenails make your nails hard and brittle, it was only logical to find a solution that will have the opposite effect on nails. Instead of fungus making it hard and brittle, they have found a way to soften it up. And that is through the use of beer. Beer is said to have the properties that will soften up those nails and at the same time, acidophilus beer has the perfect acidic environment that will stop the growth of fungus. We know that fungus loves to breed and grow in wet or moist areas. However, it still cannot populate in an acidic environment brought about by acidophilus beer. Fungus can be damaged by acid. That’s why the acidophilus beer works as an anti-fungal substance. It’s definitely a great method to relieve you from nail fungus.
Preparing the Acidophilus Beer Soak
In order to help stop that nail fungus growth in your toenails, you can prepare the acidophilus beer soak. It’s a special mix that includes specific contents. All you need to know is to learn the ingredients necessary and mix it all up to use as a soak for your toenails and even fingernails. You’ll need acidophilus sachets, specifically the 125 billion-organisms kind. Then, you will need to mix it with dark beer and white vinegar. Just put it on a tub enough to soak his or her toenails or even fingernails to stop the infection.